How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Well-being


Taking care of your mouth is a must. You have been taught since your early childhood that you must brush your teeth twice a day. You shouldn’t go to bed without brushing your teeth. Ensuring that you have healthy teeth and gums will not only help you have a sparkling and beautiful smile. Good oral hygiene also helps make sure that you have good overall health.

If you generally have healthy teeth and experience no problem, you should see your dentist at least once in 12 to 18 months. Moderate to high-risk patients or those with poor dental health should, of course, visit their dentist more often or as required. High-risk patients include those who are smoking or have diabetes. Those with gum diseases should also see their dentists every 3 to 6 months.

You should note that oral problems do not make themselves known until it is already too late. By then, you are already in pain. These problems can only be discovered through a dental examination. So it would be beneficial for you to give your dentist a visit, even if you are confident about your oral health.

Your Oral Health Can Be An Indicator Of Many Diseases.

There is a relationship between your oral health and overall health. Your gum health, for example, is an indication of many illnesses. It is a link to many diseases such as diabetes, respiratory diseases, and even arthritis.

According to a study performed by the School of Dentistry of the University of North Carolina, periodontal or gum disease affects the whole body. In fact, it also facilitates the hardening of your arteries. The study found that people who suffered from severe gum disease had significant C-reactive protein levels found in their bloodstream.

The levels of C-reactive proteins in your blood, produced by your liver, increase as a response to inflammations present in your body. It can be caused by burns, body infections, and other health conditions.

Your mouth also serves as an entryway for bacteria, which can go to your digestive system and respiratory organs. Proper oral hygiene, such as brushing your teeth and flossing every day, can keep these bacteria at bay. If you do not take measures to keep your mouth clean, oral infections and problems might arise.

The state of your oral health can contribute to the severity of the following health conditions:

Cardiovascular Diseases: Studies suggest that heart disease and stroke can be linked to infections and inflammation.

Pregnancy and Birth Problems: It has been shown that periodontitis can lead to low birth weight and even premature birth.

Pneumonia: Some bacteria in your mouth can go to your lungs and cause pneumonia.

Your Oral Health Affects Your Quality Of Life.

Dental problems and maladies can affect your day to day life. Have you ever experienced a toothache so painful you had to skip school or work? If not, consider yourself very lucky indeed.

Oral functions, such as eating and chewing, are greatly affected when you suffer from serious dental problems. For instance, impacted wisdom teeth can cause severe pain and cause damage to your otherwise healthy teeth. Your dentist will recommend its removal when your impacted wisdom tooth is causing severe pain and dental problems. There are some cases when your wisdom teeth do not cause any problems. However, since they are hard to reach and clean, they are prone to gum disease and decay.

Poor oral health can lead to poor self-esteem and even affect your confidence in facing your peers. If your work deals with meeting different people, then work performance can be greatly affected. How can you excel if you cannot even meet people straight in the eye when you talk and you can’t smile at them confidently?

Constant toothaches can also affect your concentration, greatly affecting your focus at work or school. Your social life can suffer, including your relationships with the important people in your life.

In fact, oral health-related quality of life is used in dental research as well as in the practice of dentistry. Oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) refers to how oral health affects your social life, social interactions, self-esteem, and performance at work or school. Studies have been made on how oral health affects a person’s health-related quality of life.

A simple way to evaluate a person’s OHRQoL is to observe his comfort when eating, sleeping, and interacting with other people. A person’s own evaluation and satisfaction with his dental health can be considered. OHRQoL is affected by several factors, such as environmental, social, cultural, psychological, and biological.

Protect your teeth by adopting healthy oral practices, such as brushing at least twice a day, flossing, eating a healthy diet, and cutting off sweet beverages and food. Your whole body will thank you for it.

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